What is the Diverse Verification System?

MRG has created the Small & Diverse Verification System (DVS), a tool for businesses, that provides a comprehensive and reliable verification process for businesses owned and operated by underrepresented groups. Underrepresented groups include Women, Minorities, Veterans, Small, and members of the LGBTQ+ community, who want to be business owners.

The Diverse Verification System is a due diligence tool helping a diverse business assess certification qualification and reducing the risk of a denial. This is a critical step for vendors to do the due diligence that is needed because if you are denied once, it will always be in your corporate history.

This assessment also assists policy makers, developers, prime contractors, and corporations who want to reduce their risk as well, and verify Small and / or Diverse owner information prior to engagement. The Diverse Verification System allows a client attain critical information about the diverse vendor and keep for their records.

Our vendor management system also maintains contact with the diverse vendors ensuring they are actively seeking work, accurately represented, and of course, managed by the small and / or diverse owner.